An inherent responsibility to others, a great sense of accomplishment and more employment possibilities are the upshots for the 2022 graduates of Western Nevada College’s Paramedicine Program.
Katherine Luebke well remembers both the stage fright and the exhilaration of stepping up to explain her complex research to a group of laymen — in less than three minutes.
At a glance According to the National Institutes of Health, “Habits can arise through repetition. They are a normal part of life, and are often helpful.”
Western Nevada College’s Nerd Herd officers Alexander Bevans and Alyssa Butler made a lot of local senior citizens happy on Friday morning (Feb. 11) when they handed out socks and blankets at the Carson City Senior Center.
Jessica Green is a communications major at TMCC, and hopes to pursue a bachelor’s in psychology at UNR that will enable her to become a professional therapist.